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Community team

Counsellor / psychologist

The surgery is also able to refer to the Merton Uplift service for cognitive behavioural therapy and other psychological therapies. Patients can also self refer. Merton Uplift is a free service supporting anyone who has a mental health or wellbeing need, whether this is due to emotional difficulties such as anxiety or depression, or life stressors.

If you are interested in finding out more about or service please call Merton uplift on

You do not need to be referred by your GP or any other professional. Just get in touch with Merton Uplift and they can talk through whether their service is for you. They aim to support people with Wellbeing in many ways so no problem is considered to be too small.

At present we have an IAPT psychologist working at the surgery one day per week but you can also choose to be seen at a different local site. In addition there is also online psychological therapy available with IESO through the Merton Uplift service. These psychological therapies are NHS services with no charge to patients

Health visitors

The details for contacting your local health visitor team can be found in the front of your child’s red book.  If you have any questions regarding this please contact reception. 

If you want to see the health visitor telephone 0203 458 5228 and they will arrange to see you. The health visitor will be involved with every family with children under the age of 5 years. They will see the baby at your home when you are discharged from hospital and will invite you to regular development check ups. They are also advised of any new children who are registered at this practice.


Midwife clinics are held at the hospital on a regular basis and by appointment. Midwife appointments are issued after you have been seen in the Hospital for your first visits, scanning etc.

Termination of pregnancy

Patients are able to access advice, support, and the choice to book a consultation and appointment by calling 0345 872 5503.